I often get asked what the miracle food or diet is that will result in a bulletproof immune system, endless energy, a healthy gut, weight loss and prevent physical and mental ill health. The honest answer is there isn’t one single food or diet that will work for everyone. Of course there are certain food groups, nutrients and ways of eating that contribute to good health but people are unique and so are their needs, preferences, behaviours, habits and biology. 

The most important thing you can do for your health that results in long term sustainable change is incorporating consistent healthy habits and behaviours around food, sleep, exercise and supporting your mental health that you can see yourself doing not just for days or weeks, but for years to come. It is often the smallest things we do each day that have the biggest impact long term.   

Unfortunately, the concept of consistency isn’t sexy and is difficult to sell well. Diet culture offers a much more attractive option, the ability to see fast results which although may be successful short term, are rarely compatible with long term sustainable change. Before embarking on a diet or regime, motivation is often high however over time, hunger, fatigue and the inconvenience of following specific restrictive plans can impact compliance. The continuous search for the next ‘best’ diet often leads to further confusion, frustration, disordered eating habits and weight gain. 

One of my favourite quotes is ‘progress not perfection’, there isn’t one ‘perfect diet’ and it is important to nourish your mind and body with foods you enjoy. Gradually introducing new sustainable habits can feel immensely liberating and empowering, increasing self confidence rather than feelings of guilt and shame. 

I am aware that achieving consistency isn’t always easy and can require dedication and commitment. I therefore encourage you to reach out for help from a well qualified nutrition professional to support you along the way if you feel it would be helpful. Having supported many of my incredible clients through this process, I have seen how helpful having ongoing support, accountability and guidance can be in making transformative nutrition and lifestyle changes.

I would love to know if there are any goals you’re working towards and please do get in touch with any questions!

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